GUIDELINES and recommendations for Authors


The editorial board accepts article submissions throughout the calendar year and responds to letters containing manuscripts within 5 working days.
Articles submitted for publication should be original, finalized, and previously unpublished manuscripts.
• Authors should submit their manuscripts through their personal or institutional email to the official email of the journal:
The Editorial Board will not consider manuscripts submitted via paper copies, USB flash drives, CDs, DVDs, other types of data storage devices, or email addresses of third parties.
• The recommended length of the articles (including metadata, footnotes, and references) is 30 000 to 40 000 characters including spaces.
• All manuscripts are subject to an initial screening, internal expert review, and external peer-review.


The manuscript must be supplied in the form of a single Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) file and should include information formatted in accordance with the following guideline.
The author’s personal details should be added on a separate page at the end of the document and contain the following information in both Russian and English (App. 2): the author’s full name, academic degree, position (title), place of employment, institutional mailing address, personal email.
2.1. General Formatting:
• all information (including the author’s details, abstract, the text of the manuscript, and the references) should be compiled into a single file;
• Times New Roman typeface;
• the margins should be 2*2*2*2;
• the line spacing should be 1.5.
2.2. Metadata Format:
• Times New Roman typeface;
• twelve-point font size;
• first line indent of one centimeter for each paragraph.
2.3. Metadata contains:
Paragraph 1: The UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) index – right-aligned;
Paragraph 2: The author’s full name – italic font style, right-aligned;
Paragraph 3: The title of the article (funding information should be formatted as a footnote) –bold font style, center-aligned;
Paragraph 4: An abstract of 200–250 words – justified alignment;
Paragraph 5: The keywords (the word ‘keywords’ should be italicized and bolded) – justified alignment.
2.4. Text Formatting:
• Times New Roman typeface;
• twelve-point font size;
• justified text alignment;
• first line indent of one centimeter for each paragraph.


3.1. General Requirements:
1. The abstract should be written in English.
2. The abstract should present the paper’s main subject matter and research aims. It should present the main findings and should not contain any facts not mentioned in the paper itself.
3. The recommended length for the abstract is 200–250 words.
3.2. Structure
The abstract should contain:
1. Introduction
2. Research Aims and Objectives
3. Method(s)
4. Results / Discussion
5. Conclusions
3.3. Recommendations
The abstract should be written in an methodical, coherent, and logical manner. The text of the abstract should be concise and should not contain any non-essential information or superfluous words.
The abstract is a separate, comprehensive, and independent source of information.
The abstract should not contain abbreviations or citations. It should be self-contained and not use footnotes.
Article may be rejected if their abstracts do not conform to these guidelines.


All the sources used in the manuscript should be cited by:
• placing in-text parenthetical citations, which should include: author, year of publication and relevant page number;
• placing a complete bibliographical information in the list of References including:
• author’s last name and initials;
• Title of the book or article / English translation of non-English title;
• Title of the edited book or the journal / English translation of non-English title of the edited book or the journal;
• Place of publication (in full, without abbreviations, e.g. New York);
• Publisher’s name: The names of non-English publishers should be translated in English;
• Year of publication;
• Total number of pages or relevant page range.
Entries are included in the list of References in the order they appear in the text.
Also, references are made both to electronic sources in general (files, databases, websites, web pages, forums, etc.) and to parts of electronic sources (sections and parts of electronic documents, portals, websites, web-pages, publications in electronic serials, messages on forums, etc.).
Sample for bibliographical description of electronic source (article from a digital edition of journal):
Castle G. New millennial Joyce // Modern Fiction Studies, 50(1), 163–173. Available from Project MUSE Website. URL: (accessed: 11.01.2017).
Sample for bibliographical description of electronic source (article from a website)
Chliiants G. Sozdanie televideniia [Creation of television] // QRZ.RU: Server radiolubitelei Rossii [Server of radio fans of Russia]. URL: (accessed: 21.02.2017).
Sample for bibliographical description of electronic source (electronic book):
De Huff E. W. Taytay’s tales: Traditional Pueblo Indian tales. // Book available from Digital Penn Libraries. URL: (accessed: 28.06.2017).
• The date the electronic source was accessed is important and it should be noted in the brackets after the URL (Internet address).
• Transliteration of Russian titles is optional.
• References to literary sources in Arabic, Chinese and other Eastern languages should be transliterated using the Latin alphabet.
• All non-English titles of the books, articles and journals should be translated into English.
• References to laws and legal documents should be made in a footnote.
4.1 Samples of citations to books:
In-text citation: [1, p. 20]
NB! The first number inside the brackets should match the serial number of citing source in the list of References.
Entry in the Reference list:
1. Anisimov E.V. Peter the Great: personality and reform. St. Petersburg: Piter Publ., 2009. 448 p.
4.2 Samples of citations to articles:
In-text citation: [2, p. 497]
Entry in the Reference list:
2. Bokova V.M. «The patient is rather living, than is dead»: Notes about a domestic dekabristovedeniye of the 1990th years. December 14, 1825: Sourses, reseaches, historiography, bibliography. Iss. IV. St. Petersburg; Kishenev: Nestor- Istoriia Publ., 2001. P. 497-561.
4.3 Samples of citations for electronic sources:
In-text citation: [3]
Entry in the Reference list:
5. Chliiants G. Sozdanie televideniia [Creation of television] // QRZ.RU: Server radiolubitelei Rossii [Server of radio fans of Russia]. URL: (accessed: 21.02.2015)
• Transliteration of Russian titles is optional.


• Notes should be prepared as footnotes : the number of the footnote should be inserted in the text and the note itself should be put at the bottom of the page.
• Footnotes should be numbered consecutively throughout the whole text.
• Citations in the footnotes should be formatted as in-text parenthetical citations as elsewhere in the text of the manuscript.
• Footnotes should not contain full bibliographical description of any sources.


• Charts, tables, graphics, diagrams, schemes, and figures included in manuscript should comply with the national standard of Unified System of Design Documentation (USDD/ESKD);
• All explanatory notes, keys and legends should be translated into English;
• All tables and figures should be referred to in the text of the manuscript.
6.1 Figures formatting guidelines:
• figures should be labeled and furnished with description if necessary (explanatory notes, keys and legends);
• figures should be numbered consecutively (in Arabic numerals), if there is only one figure in the manuscript, its number should be omitted;
• the word “Figure”, its number, label and description should be placed immediately under the figure;
• descriptions and labels should be in nine-point Times New Roman font.
• Each illustration should be submitted electronically as separate .jpg file (300 dpi). File should have the same title as the figure has in the text of manuscript.
6.2 Tables formatting guidelines:
• tables should be labelled and furnished with keys and legends if it is necessary;
• tables should be placed immediately after the paragraph where it is mentioned for the first time;
• long tables might be continued on the next page;
• stub and column headings are usually aligned horizontally, in line with the rows (if necessary, stub and column headings may be aligned vertically);
• text in the tables should be in nine-point Times New Roman font.