1. Rules of the publication

1.1. The journal publishes original, previously not published research in the field of applied mathematics, as well as mathematical articles in the field of control, computer engineering and computer science.
Authors submit materials drawn up in accordance with the rules of the journal, to the executive secretary of the series or send by e-mail or ordinary mail.

1.2. All manuscripts received by the journal are sent to reviewing. Referee process is regulated by theprocedure of reviewing manuscripts of scientific papers, received to publication in the journal "Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University."
Editorial board of the series decide the question of publication (or rejection) of the article after its review and discussion. Decision of editorial board recorded in the minutes of meeting.

1.3. Publication is free of charge

2. Completeness and format of copyright materials

2.1. Mandatory elements of the publication:
• UDC index (see:;
• Full name of the author (co-author);
• Title of the article;
• Annotation and key words in Russian;
• Introduction (background information with appropriate references and brief statement of new results);
• Main body;
• Bibliographical references;
• Surname of authors (co-authors), title of the article, annotation and key words in English (annotation should have not less than 150 words in English);
• Latinized variant of bibliographical references;
• Information about author(s) in Russian and English languages: place of employment (formal name) including registered address, also graduate degrees, e-mail, phone number.

2.2. Requirements for registration of the manuscript.
Paper should be submitted in a LATEX2e format, encoding Windows CP1251, \documentclass(amsart) or article. Font and feed pitch should be 1Opt, single. The string length - 14 cm, height - 20 cm, font colour - black, formula numbering - on the right side in brackets, all unitsare given in SI. Italics, bold italics, bold line also may be used. The author should avoid text layout using commands \break, \newline, etc. It should be remembered that the commands \cal and \over are outdated. Instead of them such commands like \mathcal and \frac may be used.

2.3.Tables should be prepared using standard environment table. Figures should be made in eps format and put in the article with LATEX2e tools.Besides, figures must be submitted to editorial board as separate files. Tables and figuresare numbered in Arabic numerals, continuous numbering. If the table is one, it’s not numbered. It’s possible to include names of the tables and captions under the figures. In that case all tables must have names and all figures – captures. Reference to the table (figure) is required.

2.4. Recommended reading are listed at the end of the article and prepared in accordance with State Educational Standard R 7.0.5.-2008. Numbering of references in the textis given in Arabic numerals in square brackets in order of their mention in the text, including introduction.

2.5. Full article, including introduction, tables, figures and recommended reading mustn’t be more than 15 pages in required format.

2.6. Presentation of copyright materials
2.6.1. Article should be in tex-format or pdf-format, include surname of the first author in Latin and all required elements of the publication (see point 2.1).
2.6.2. Printed text of the article in one copy.
2.6.3. Figures should be in electronic file. One file includes one figure in eps format.
2.6.4. If it’s necessary with the approval of editorial board publication of colored drawing is also possible.
2.6.5. Postgraduates (postdoctoral students) must submit supervisorreview.