Series 12


Issue 1, 2014


Codes UDC 159.9 Page 54-68
Title The psychological background for improving the efficiency of patient rehabilitation after coronary bypass surgery
Author 1 Yeryomina Darya A. St. Petersburg State University
199034, St. Petersburg, Russia
post-graduate student
e-mail: plombirat@gmail.com
Author 2 Kruglova Nadezhda Ye. St. Petersburg State University
199034, St. Petersburg, Russia
Candidate of Psychology
e-mail: nadyahabarova@yandex.ru
Author 3 Shchelkova Olga Yu. St. Petersburg State University
199034, St. Petersburg, Russia
Doctor of Psychology, Professor
e-mail: Olga.psy.pu@mail.ru
Author 4 Iakovleva Mariia V. St. Petersburg State University
199034, St. Petersburg, Russia
post-graduate student
e-mail: mariaiakovleva@mail.ru
Summary Based on the analysis of up-to-date literature, the article shows the necessity of a comprehensive study of the psychological factors potentially relevant to the effectiveness of rehabilitation of coronary heart disease patients after coronary bypass surgery. The article discusses a program of an empirical research, including the study of the dynamics of emotional, cognitive, motivational, personal, behavioral characteristics and compliance of the coronary heart disease patients in the process of cardiac rehabilitation and the study of the predictors of continuation of work activity among patients. Preliminary results of a psychological study of 63 coronary heart disease patients undergoing coronary bypass surgery are also presented. The stay of patients in the rehabilitation department revealed a distinct positive dynamic of the asthenic manifestations, as well as high predictive value of coping strategy �positive revaluation� and ergopatic type of attitude to the disease in respect to compliance of patients. In the remote postoperative period (three months aft er coronary bypass surgery) signifi cant differences in quality of life among coronary heart disease patients who returned or did not return to work were revealed.
Keywords coronary heart disease, coronary bypass surgery, efficiency of treatment, cognitive functioning, emotional state, compliance, work capacity prognosis.