Series 13


Issue 1, 2014


Codes UDC 94 Page 44-54
Title Rama IV Mongkut (1851-1868) and the beginning of modernization of Siam
Author 1 Orno Ekaterina S. St.Petersburg State University
199034, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
leading marketing specialist of Saint-Petersburg Committe on Tourism Development
e-mail: ekaterina.orno@mail.ru
Summary At the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX centuries European countries shared almost all lands in South-East Asia. In contrast to its neighbors Siam managed to escape colonization. To resist foreign domination Rama IV Mongkut concluded first �unequal� Anglo-Siamese treaty in 1855. This agreement became a model for a number of treaties with other western countries. Later Mongkut concluded agreements with the United States of America, France, Denmark, Portugal, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Belgium and Italy. Agreements with Austro-Hungarian Empire, Spain, Japan and Russia were signed during the reign of King Chulalongkorn (1868-1910) who was the son of Mongkut. The goal was to diminish the authority of England and set a political equilibrium. Mongkut profited from contradiction between Great Britain and France. At the same time among the great empires he always sought to find patrons and conciliators. The Russian Empire could render a significant assistance. As in the middle of the XIX century Siam faced the threat of Western colonialism, Mongkut realized the necessity to modernize his country and start reforms. After ascending the throne he initiated first reforms and laid the base for fundamental reforms fulfilled by his son King Chulalongkorn.
Keywords Siam, Thailand, Rama IV Mongkut.