Series 16

Psychology. Education.

Issue 1, 2014


Codes UDC 159.9.018:159.9.316.6 Page 6-20
Title Using public information signs to study the processes of understanding social situations
Author 1 Osorina Maria V. St. Petersburg State University
Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor
e-mail: maria_osorina@mail.ru
Author 2 Tselyaeva Svetlana I. St. Petersburg State University
post-graduate student
Summary In this article we suggest a new methodological approach to the study of cognitive aspects of the processes of understanding social situations. We have created a research method based on standard information signs, used in public places. These signs depict symbolic representations of situations, they regulate or initiate socially desirable behavior. A group of experts has performed psychological analysis of content of five public information signs which were used in the stimulus set in three different positions: 1) the sign on its own, 2) the same sign in usual social context, 3) the same sign used in unusual social context. In this article we describe the procedures of using this stimulus set and also the results of its pilot testing as a method of studying the process of understanding social situations by people of different gender and age groups.
Keywords social situation, processes of understanding, information signs, symbolic representation of situations, sign in situational context