Series 12


Issue 1, 2014


Codes UDC 159.9.075 Page 5-19
Title Structural model of the effect of moral normativity and legal consciousness on the industrial internality of young professionals
Author 1 Nasledov Andrey D. St.Petersburg State University
Universitetskaya nab., 7/9, St.Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor
e-mail: andrey.nasledov@gmail.com
Author 2 Esikova Tatiana V. Russian State Hydrometeorological University
195196, St. Petersburg, Russia
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
e-mail: tatjana.esikowa@yandex.ru
Summary The article presents the results of application of a method of structural modeling, namely structural equations modeling (SEM), for empirical verification of the conceptual model of professional mobility of young professionals. The tested model assumes a system of directed relationships between its components, such as moral normativity, legal consciousness and internality, with industrial internality - as the key dependent variable. The use of SEM, in general, confirms compliance of the conceptual model to empirical data and introduces in it unobvious amendments. The major concern is nonlinear (quadratic) relationship of moral normativity with internality moral and legal consciousness of the individual revealed by means of SEM. So, the combination of negative linear and positive quadratic relationship of moral normativity and moral and legal consciousness is shown in a high level of moral and legal consciousness that occurs partly at high and mainly at low values of moral normativity, while at the average values of moral normativity the lowest level of moral and legal consciousness is observed. At the same time, this experience of the application of SEM demonstrates not only the advantages of this method, but also its restrictions: �convincingly� empirically confirmed relationships of the model not always unambiguously testify their true direction.
Keywords Structural equation modeling (SEM), aprioristic (conceptual) model, nonlinear (quadratic) relationships, direction of causal relation, professional mobility, industrial internality, moral and legal consciousness, moral normativity.