Series 12


Issue 1, 2014


Codes UDC 159.9.072 Page 109-116
Title Personnel value orientations and readiness for organizational changes
Author 1 Korotchenkova Anastasia G. St. Petersburg State University
199034, St. Petersburg, Russia
post-graduate student
e-mail: Anastasia.korotchenkova@united-english.ru; koronas84@yahoo.com
Summary Nowadays it is very important to adapt to the changing conditions, especially at work place. In the present article the concept of readiness for organizational changes as a state of readiness for performance is being studied. Value orientations and organizational culture are regarded as factors which interact with personnel readiness for changes. The results of the research showed their correlations, while the regression analysis - influence of such value orientations, as restrictive conformity, self-direction, hedonism, self-development on criteria of success in clan and market culture, which affect readiness for organizational changes. Additional studies that will include all types of organizational culture and expanded samples can lead to results to predict readiness for organizational changes based on value orientations and type of culture.
Keywords value orientations, readiness for organizational changes, organizational culture, changes, resistance to changes.