Series 7


Issue 1, 2014


Codes UDC 574.4:581.5 Page 79-94
Title Using of lichens as bioindicators of environmental pollution
Author 1 Opekunova M. G. St.Petersburg State University
Universitetskaya nab., 7/9, St.Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
Doctor of Geographic Sciences, Associate Professor
e-mail: m.opekunova@mail.ru
Author 2 Gizetdinova M. Ju. St.Petersburg State University
Universitetskaya nab., 7/9, St.Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
e-mail: vorobjovamu-89@inbox.ru
Summary Results of investigations of soils and five species of lichens at natural and anthropegenic polluted areas of the Nord-West of Russian Federation envired mining industrial centrals �Karelian Okatysh� and �Severonikel� are represented in the article. The article presents the content of Cu, Zn, Ni, Co, Fe, Mn, Pb and Cd in soils and 5 Cetraria and Cladonia lichen species from in northwestern Russia on the background and anthropogenically disturbed areas in the zones of influence "Karelian Pellet" (Republic of Karelia) and combine "Severonikel" (Murmansk region). It is shown that the chemical composition of lichens is influenced by a complex of external and internal factors, varies by species and depends on anthropogenic pollution. In the area of Kostomuksha, the lichens are characterized by accumulation of typomorphic elements - Fe and Mn, in the zone influenced by the plant �Severonikel� - Cu, Ni and Co. The species of Cetraria islandica has the highest sorption capacity and resistance to technogenesis in all areas. It is shown that the use of lichen-indication to assess the degree of anthropogenic transformation of landscapes in these areas with mining industry is severely restricted due to the low resistance of the lichen to technogenesis and the formation of �lichen desert�.
Keywords bioindication, lichnes, maining industry, pollution, haevy metalls.