Series 7


Issue 1, 2014


Codes UDC 551.4.04:168.551.4(011+012) Page 125-135
Title The content, map symbols and interpretationof the morphogeodinamic map for the exploration works of hydrothermal ores (in the axial zones of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 12�40? and 15�10? s. Lat.)
Author 1 Lastochkin A. N. St.Petersburg State University
Universitetskaya nab., 7/9, St.Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor
e-mail: geomorphspbgu@yandex.ru
Author 2 Egorov I. V. VNII Okeangeologia
190121, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
e-mail: ieg@mail.ru
Author 3 Kuznettsov T. V. VNII Okeangeologia
190121, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
e-mail: timofeykuznezov@rambler.ru
Summary Due to growing interest to the mineral resources associated with mid-ocean ridges, these ridges constitute a new area for geomorphologic research. Nowadays, the multiscale geomorphologic mapping of mid-ocean ridges applies different or mixed principles or no principles at all. Th e forms and elements of the land surface are well-defined in the process of deep-sea sounding and taken as mapping units in analytical maps, but these units are fixed randomly. The step-by-step method of geomorphologic construction includes, first of all, analytical maps and maps of polytopmost, based on the methods of V. Filosofov, and the studying of disjunctive morphotectonic, determining a significant role in the relief, structure and ore formation, as well as in the structure of the underwater surface of this and similar areas. This article is the latest work to the study of topography and relief-forming processes of the North Atlantic Ridge between parallels 12�40? and 15�10? N. Th is article describes content, map symbols and interpretation of the new morphogeodinamic map. It shows static and dynamic links between relief, orogeny rocks and orogeny processes. The article presents the characteristics of different types of morphostructures with their dynamic characteristics, as well as an analysis of the identified disjunctive dislocations. The novelty of the objects of the geomorphology research required a new conceptual and terminological apparatus, namely the term �morfogeodinamics�, which refers to the study of the relief, and not only tectonic movements (subject of morphotectonics).
Keywords Mid-Oceanic ridges, Mid-Atlantic ridge, seabed polumetallic sulphides (SPS), analytical map, structural lines, structural grid, disjunctive dislocations, lineament, rift valley, Morphogeodinamic map, morphostructure, underwater surface.