Series 12


Issue 1, 2014


Codes UDC 316 Page 157-165
Title University brand as an object of sociological research
Author 1 Borovskikh Yu. A. St. Petersburg State University
199034, St. Petersburg, Russia
e-mail: y.a.borovskikh@mail.ru
Author 2 Smirnova E. E. St. Petersburg State University
199034, St. Petersburg, Russia
Doctor of Sociology, Professor
e-mail: smirnova-soc@yandex.ru
Summary The article deals with the recently appeared phenomenon of university brand and approaches to its studies. Together with the �classical� economic and marketing aspects, the basic concepts of sociology of brand (Markensoziologie) are being analyzed, with the possibility of applying these concepts to the studies of university brands is being estimated. Special consideration is given to the works of the key figures in sociology of brand: its founder Alexander Deichsel, thanks to whom the sociology of brand has been formed as a separate branch of sociology and achieved fame, and Kai-Uwe Hellmann, the author of the brand enhancement concept. Hellmann�s works have not been translated into Russian before and are not widely known in Russia. Additionally, recent findings in Russian sociology of education are analyzed and the report of internal sociological research about the brand�s part in the choice of university, which was carried out among the students of sociological faculties in Moscow, 2012 is published. The author methodology based on the theoretical developments of sociology of brand has been applied to performing this research.
Keywords sociology of brand, sociology of education, university brand, higher education.