Series 12


Issue 1, 2014


Codes UDC 316.25 Page 207-213
Title Social orphanage as a phenomenon of modern childhood
Author 1 Tsinchenko Galina M. North-West Institute of Management
199178, St. Petersburg, Russia;
Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor
e-mail: galina_ts55@mail.ru
Summary The article is devoted to the problems of primary and secondary social orphanage, which are social problems of the modern Russian society. The author analyzes the reasons for the emergence and growth of these phenomena, the main reasons of the system`s inability to combat abandonment, especially in the state`s part, to cope with a large number of primary orphans and return of children from families who have adopted children. The problem of orphanage has a global character and has acquired All-Russian scale. At the same time, positive experience of its solution has a local character. Thus, it results in a serious break between the vital requirement of the development of large-scale work and existing resource for its realization. To solve this problem it is necessary to consolidate the resources of society.
Keywords orphans, social orphans, secondary social orphanage.